What is the best posture to sit while working in front of your computer?
this information will help you a lot.
The correct posture when sitting is very important since sometimes we sit in front of the computer with a bad posture, which can cause health problems or discomfort, which can be very uncomfortable. Remember that a worker can sit for eight to nine hours, and if the posture is not correct, the consequences and joint pain will be greater.

To avoid the above, we offer you measures and tips to maintain a good posture throughout the working day and thus avoid discomfort, pain and even injuries in all parts of the body.
The following recommendations should take into account the adjustability of your work surface.
Seat height: Elbow height should be approximately equal to the middle row of the keyboard. You should be able to plant your feet firmly on the ground. Use pedals if necessary.
Chair back angle and lumbar support: Your back should be well supported.
Keyboard height: The middle row of the keyboard should be approximately at elbow height.
Keyboard tilt: Wrists should be in a neutral, comfortable position.
Mouse: You must hold it immediately to the left or right of the keyboard.
Optional armrests: Shoulders should be relaxed and forearms should be evenly supported.
Screen distance, height and angle: This should allow the head to maintain a balanced and comfortable position in relation to the shoulders.
Easel, phone, and reference materials: Keep frequently used items within easy reach.
To avoid soreness and muscle fatigue, keep all parts of your body as follows:
Neck: Always keep your eyes forward, do not bend your neck and the top of the screen should be at eye level.
Shoulders: You should always be relaxed
Elbows: Keep your elbows supported and close to your body at a 90° to 100° angle
Hands: Do not write with your hands dangling
Armrests: the chair used at the table must also have armrests
Wrist: should be relaxed and in line with the forearm, avoid deviations or unnatural positions
Backrest: You must maintain your natural curve and always be fully supported on the back of the chair.
Hips: maintain a 90° to 100° angle with thighs parallel to the ground
Knees: they must form an angle greater than 90°, avoid bending the leg at the hip
Feet: Stay flat on the floor
Vision: From time to time, look into the distance for a few seconds, as if through a window, to relax the eye muscles.