Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that enables agile development, based on utility classes that can be easily applied in HTML code and development flows that allow you to greatly optimize the weight of CSS code.
Open-source Tailwind component libraries
1 - Meraki UI
Meraki UI is Tailwind CSS Components That Support RTL Languages & Fully Responsive Based On Flexbox & CSS Grid with elegant Dark Mode.

2 - Mamba UI
Mamba UI is a free, open-source collection of UI components and templates based on Tailwind CSS, 100+ building blocks that can help you create almost any type of a website with just a couple of clicks.

3 - Tailwind Toolbox
Open source starter templates and components, a directory of handy building kits, generators, plugins and useful tools to kick start your Tailwind CSS project

4 - daisyUI
daisyUI is a customizable Tailwind CSS component library that prevents verbose markup in frontend applications. The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library, Tailwind CSS components for reducing markup

5 - HyperUI
HyperUI is a collection of free Tailwind CSS components that can be used in your next project. With a variety of components, you can create your next marketing website, dashboard, store, and much more.

Tailwind is an amazing UI framework
You can also browse and try our collection of components built with tailwindcss.